You Are Designed to Thrive

... but how do you thrive when everything around you is in constant flux and upheaval?

We are living in wild times full of fear, tension, and contradiction. The past three years have impacted everyone in unique personal ways. The pandemic sent our personal and collective nervous systems into a holding pattern of survival stress. Many are still waiting for the great 'sigh' of relief to wash over them or they have barely come up for air, and another major stressor pushes them under again. And, in all of this, life goes on. Recently, I wrote an essay about all of this.

The Common Denominator is Fear ...

Humans are being asked to do the impossible: Manage the stressors of day-to-day life which is already overwhelming for many, in addition to handling the chronic stress imposed by the pandemic, along with all the historical stressors and traumas.

Feelings of deep insecurity about the future might be creeping in and for some of you, you might have stopped dreaming; hope can feel like an empty concept.

In states of chronic survival stress it is hard to imagine that flourishing is even a possibility, when just getting by is hard enough.

Holding the Questions...

How do you thrive when perpetually stuck in survival stress?

If you are anything like me, I was waiting for something outside of me to change and I felt trapped by the present and past circumstances of life. I was beholden to my fear and prisoner of my mind. The Flowing Fears Process and the Fearlessly Thriving Masterclass were born from working with these questions:

  • When everything outside of you is chaotic and full of fear, how do you remain steady?
  • How do you stay above water when emotions are running wild?
  • How do we engage our survival system without 'it' driving the bus?
  • Can we create a beautiful life regardless of external chaos? 

Who Is This For?

Can you say yes to any of these statements...

  • You are searching for a method to help you ride your emotional waters

  • You are on a healing journey and talk therapy is not deep enough

  • You are a space holder and seeking to be held so you can continue to expand

  • You are a 'deep sea diver' and are not afraid of your inner landscape

This Is NOT For You If...

  • You are in acute trauma or abuse and need immediate help

  • You resist paying attention to your stressful thoughts

  • You are looking for traditional treatment methods and seeking a diagnosis

  • Feeling too much emotion in your body scares you

  • You do not want to question your beliefs or stressful thoughts

Hi, Nice to Meet You...

Jennifer Summerfeldt


Jennifer is a Mother. She holds an MA in counselling psychology and is a Certified Canadian Counsellor. She holds 20+ years of experience within the fields of maternal health, psychology, and consciousness studies. Located in Canada, she uses her expertise and voice to help advance the dialogue on nervous system informed care, maternal mental health, and non-ordinary states of consciousness for healing. Jennifer is the author of Healing After Birth and Midwifery for The Soul and has been published in numerous magazines, blogs, and podcasts.

What To Expect

A deep dive course into the Flowing Fears Process with 10 days of guided audios and worksheets to help you embody the steps for personal exploration.

  • An initial 2 hour 1:1 session with Jennifer (valued at $400)

  • 10 audio recordings + worksheets for deeper investigation

  • Guided Flowing Fears audio meditation for personal use

  • BONUS audio material to support emotional regulation

What Others Have Said...

After attending an event or workshop with Jennifer

“The Flowing Fears Process was very gentle and felt like it came from a place of love and nurturing. Each moment of tension was met with a response and understanding, and the process really did feel as if it was flowing like a gentle current and expanding into a sea of rich meaning and potential.”


“The Flowing Fears Process reminds me that the answers we seek, the relief, the guidance we long for, is truly present in our body and can be reached and contacted; the pearl we seek can be found. And what a joy to dive in together, to have a companion in deep waters where most of the time you were so afraid or disconnected to notice this subtle dialogue that is present."”


“I'm so deeply appreciative of the workshop. Working with Jennifer is giving you not only a deep knowledge about yourself and human beings, but also gives you a unique tool to dive deep and heal yourself. I'm so appreciative of this experience.”


“​​Firstly it was a real privilege to be able to attend and participate in your workshop. Jennifer has a way that allows vulnerability and authenticity to be shared in a safe way where one feels heard and genuinely cared about. The sharing of her wisdom, knowledge and experiences invites us to really feel hopeful and inspired that we can create the change we are looking for in our own lives .”


Course curriculum

    1. Schedule Your Session

    2. Welcome! A Message from Jennifer

    3. What To Expect...

    1. Module Outline

    2. The Flowing Fears Process Explained

    3. Getting Started: Workbook

    1. Module Outline: Phase One

    2. Phase One: The Situation Audio

    3. Phase One: Worksheets

    4. Step One: Notice and Name

    5. Step Two: Scan For Safety

    6. Guided Exercise: Scanning and Orienting

    7. Inner Community: Guided Imagery

    8. Phase One: Deeper Inquiry

    1. Module Outline: Phase Two

    2. Phase Two: Worksheets

    3. Step Three: Name The Sensation and Emotion Audio

    4. Body Sensations: Cheat Sheet

    5. Emotions List

    6. Phase Two: Deeper Inquiry

    1. Module Outline: Phase Three

    2. Phase Three: Worksheets

    3. Phase Three: The Mind Intro Audio

    4. Step Four: Hold Q1 Audio

    5. Step Four: Guided Exercise

    6. Step Five + Six: Hold Q2 + Q3 Audio

    7. Core Limiting Beliefs: List

    8. Phase Three: Deeper Inquiry

    1. Module Outline: Phase Four

    2. Phase Four: Worksheet

    3. Step Seven: The Familiar Past

    4. Phase Four: Deeper Inquiry

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 50 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Learn More Before You Dive In?

Sign-up For The 5 Part Video Series: Fearlessly Thriving