Dear Mother,
Did you experience a difficult and/or traumatic childbirth?
Sign Up Below and Watch this Intro Video!
Hey Mama, This Program is Perfect For You if You Can Say Yes to The Following ...
Is this you?
You love to take charge of your healing and learn new skills
You have the time to invest in the program
You experienced a disappointing, challenging, difficult, and/or traumatic birth
You are currently safe (not in harms way) and have external support (i.e., friend, partner, wife or husband, practitioner, therapist etc)
You are not afraid to engage with emotional material (i.e., grief, anger, sadness)
You want to move past the painful parts of your birth story
You are open to shifting out of limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck
Your Guide
Creator, Author, and Psychotherapist
Jennifer Summerfeldt
[email protected]Testimonials
What previous mothers have said about the program...
“Thank you Jennifer for your contribution to the woman I am today - A soulful mother on her healing path. Learning, healing and growing every day. Your work is important and I have no doubt that you are fulfilling your purpose here on earth. I am grateful to have been able to experience it!”
Healing After Birth Mama“I gained the courage to believe that future births do not have to be the same way. I have realized how strong my body was, and how amazing it is for what it does.”
Healing After Birth Mama“I have an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. I feel proud of myself and proud to tell my birth story.”
Healing After Birth Mama“I Feel such a sense of relief because I feel like I can finally stop hating myself for the things that happened during my labour.”
Healing After Birth Mama“Throughout the last 8 weeks I have been through an incredible journey of healing and grief.”
Healing After Birth MamaWhat is Included in The HAB Program
Each module includes guided audios, videos, and reflective exercises to help you engage with your healing.
Let's Begin...
Stepping Into the Unknown
Overview and Introduction
Welcome to the Program - Handout
Know Your Why - Introduction
Know Your Why - Worksheet
Self-Assessment Form
Guided Audio - Calm Place
Reflective Exercise - On Grounding
Guided Audio - Getting Rooted
Guided Audio - Inner Resourcing
The Three Brains - Guided Meditation
Introduction to Trauma Module
Birth Trauma Explained by Penny Simkin
Reflective Exercise - On Childbirth Trauma
How Trauma Gets Trapped in The Body
Three Ways That Trauma Changes the Brain
The 3 Part Brain - Hand Model
What is Flipping the Lid?
Reflective Exercises - On Trauma
Intro to Containment Activity
Guided Process - Creating Containment
Introduction to Grief as Medicine
What is Disenfranchised Grief?
Reflective Exercises - On Grief
The Grief Cycle Chart
Therapeutic Activity - Clay Exercise
Connecting to The Voice of Doubt
Reflective Exercises - On Doubt
Narrative Exercise - Exploring Your Birth
Introduction to Healing Shame
Reflective Exercises - On Shame
Narrative Activity - On Shame
Brene Brown - On Shame
Introduction to Healing Anger
Reflective Exercise - On Blame and Anger
Narrative Exercise - On Blame and Anger
Introduction to Birth Physiology, Doubt, and Safety
The Holistic Stages of Birth Explained
How to Have an Empowered Birth in the Hospital
What Supports a Healthy Birthing Environment
What is the Hormonal Blueprint of Labour?
The Future of Birth
Receiving the Light - Explained
Gentle Cesarean Birth
Reflective Exercise - On the Postpartum
BONUS Empowered Birthing - Mini e-book
Childbirth Resources
About this course
- $249.00
- 63 lessons
- 2.5 hours of video content
Bonus Content
As a gift to you, you will receive the following as bonus material
The Deep Dive Signature System
$ 249 valueIncluded in the HAB program is the Deep Dive process - Jennifer's signature system for deep therapeutic support and healing. You receive BONUS video, e-book, guided audio, and the 10 step workbook!
One Deep Dive 1:1 60 Minute Phone Session
$165 valueAs a member of the HAB program you receive access to Jennifer's booking calendar to engage in ONE 1:1 Deep Dive 60 minute session for additional therapeutic support. Jennifer only works with clients who are engaged in one of her programs.
Discount on LIVE Event
$ 50 valueAs a HAB client you will receive a $50 coupon that can be applied to any of Jennifer's LIVE workshops, events, and tours.
Does this program replace therapy?
Although this is a therapeutic program, meaning you will engage with your emotional and mental body, it is not a replacement for traditional therapy. It is however, a wonderful adjunct to any private therapy you might be already engaged with. Some therapist have used this program as a guide with their clients within the therapeutic space.
Do I need to be in private therapy to take the program?
No, you do not need to be engaged in 1:1 therapy to begin this program. However, if you suspect that you are suffering from a mental illness, it is recommended that you reach out for appropriate support separate from this program.
What if I do not feel better after the program
Healing is a journey and does require time. Sometimes we do not notice the small subtle changes that are taking place, like the gift of insight and awareness. If you engage with each module, and do the therapeutic activities, you will most likely experience a shift in mind, heart, and body.
How will I know if this program is right for me?
This program is right for you if you have unresolved emotional and mental material that is connected to your birth experience. If you are not currently in crisis or live in an unsafe environment. And, if you are the type of person that is proactive and likes to take charge of your healing with DIY training and teachings.
Cost of the Program
Two pricing options to choose from below.
Regular price
3 x $97.00
Monthly Payment Plan
Not Sure if You Are Ready Yet?
Purchase a copy of the Healing After Birth Guidebook?
What Your Doctor is Likely NOT Telling You About Postpartum Depression
One more low risk offer before you go ...
Healing After Birth PODCAST
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